About the School of Nursing and Health Sciences

The Robert E. Smith School of Nursing combines study in the liberal arts, life sciences and behavioral sciences with the study of nursing to offer the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, the Master of Science in Nursing and the Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees.

The purposes of the Robert E. Smith School of Nursing are to prepare practitioners of nursing to meet the health care needs of the people of Mississippi and to provide a foundation in the study of nursing sufficient to support graduate study beyond the baccalaureate level.


Robert E. Smith School of Nursing…transforming healthcare in the Mississippi Delta and beyond…one exceptional nurse at a time!


The mission of the Delta State University Robert E. Smith School of Nursing is to transform healthcare in the Mississippi Delta and beyond by preparing graduates to be nurse leaders at the baccalaureate, master, and doctoral levels through excellence in education, evidence-based research, interprofessional practice, and multidimensional partnerships in a diverse society.


  1.  Continue to develop and maintain high quality graduate and undergraduate curricula that are sensitive to health care needs of the diverse society.
  2.  Increase enrollment and graduation rates.
  3.  Continue to maintain community support.
  4.  Strive to increase university outreach, service, and partnership initiatives to benefit the citizens of the region.

Nondiscrimination/Equal Education Opportunity

As an institution of higher education and in the spirit of its policies of equal employment opportunity, the University declares its policy of equal educational opportunity. All applicants for admission will be considered without regard to an applicant’s race, color, religion, sex,  gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, disability related to program performance, disabled veteran status, or Vietnam era veteran status. This policy is noted in all student handbooks. Complaints or grievances of any student who has reason to think he or she has been affected by discrimination will be considered through established procedures.